神道研究者の岡本天明様が、大東亜戦争前に、「国常立大神」様を中心とする高級神霊からの自動書記によって記述した経典。 漢数字、独特の記号、かな文字の混じった文体から成りたっています。最初は、難解で解読できなかったが、徐々に内容が明らかになっていくにつれ、深い内容と近未来の日本及び世界の情勢に関する多くの予言を成就させてきました。大本教の教典とも深く結び付く内容となっています。
I came to know “Hitsuki Shinji(Messages from Gods)” when I read Shinichi Nakaya’s translated version of “Hitsuki Shinji”.
It also mentions daily thoughts, prayer practices, and what is now the importance of affirmations.
A scripture written by Shinto (Japanese Gods Teachings 〜Shinto Religion)researcher Tenmei Okamoto before the Great East Asia War(World War II) by an automatic clerk from a high-class spirit centered on “Kuni-Toko-Tachi Ohgami(God)”. It consists of a style that is a mixture of Chinese numerals, unique symbols, and kana characters. At first, it was difficult to decipher, but as the content gradually became clear, it fulfilled many prophecies about the deep content and the situation in Japan and the world in the near future. The content is deeply linked to the Ohmoto scriptures.
Against this background, I am deeply influenced by myself.